“Sing joyfully to the Lord all you lands, serve the Lord with gladness, come before him with joyful song.” Psalms 100:1-2
Several groups provide music for St. John the Baptist liturgies. They operate as part of the Liturgy Committee in coordinating music and liturgy for the year. Choir leaders select songs. The Gimong does music for Saturday 5pm mass; the Divine Mercy Group Choir for 7am mass; the Samoan Choir for 9am mass; and the Hispani Choir for 11:30am mass. Music is an integral part of all services.
Jhonelle Silva
Vanessa Barangan - Tamilo
Sharlene Stevens
Elaine Madrid
Alfredo Gonzalez
Click here to download and view the Guidelines for Cantors in PDF
Haga clic aquí para descargar y ver las Directrices para los Cantores en PDF
The Samoan Choir tries to keep the Samoan culture and traditions alive through music. As families come to Hawaii and try to assimilate into the American culture, they still want to retain the values of their own culture.
The Samoan choir practices twice a week and they sing at all the 9am Sunday masses. On the first Sunday of each month is a Samoan mass where the first reading and all the songs are in Samoan. Afterwards the choir visits the Samoan elderly and sick and have fellowship in the Hall.